Haiku Contest
In the Maple Program, the haiku workshops were held on October 19 and 26, and we shared haiku poems written by students with the entire program. The given theme of the haiku was a photo of the sky and roadside cosmos.
The students voted and commented on their favorite haiku and enjoyed the haiku written by the students in the same program.
The haiku that received the most votes were the following four haiku:
キンさん(M2)「秋桜 青空の下 背伸びする(あきざくら あおぞらのした せのびする)」
アーロンさん(M2)「一人旅 無人駅去り 秋桜(ひとりたび むじんえきさり あきざくら)」
ザカリさん(M3)「皆寝るか 最後の息か 秋孤独(みなねるか さいごのいきか あきこどく)」
ルーカスさん(M5)「青き空 火の色にある 秋桜(あおきそら ひのいろにある あきざくら)」